cheryl patten

Home Decorating Ideas to Love!

How to Decorate with Books, Books and More Books!

How to decorate with books is the best kept decorating secret.    They can add interest, texture, and layering anywhere. Plus, what is better than relaxing in a comfy chair and perusing a special book.

I find lots of my books at library book sales. Hardbacks normally cost under $5.00.  Or on the last day of the sale you can “fill a paper bag” for $5.00.  Antique books can be found at estate or garage sales. Be sure to look under the paper cover and select books on their spine color.  I prefer plain solid. 

I have also purchased special books when on vacation. For example, I am fascinated with the glass artist, Chihuly.  So when I was in Seattle on a college tour with my daughter, Kate, I purchased a beautiful book at his Garden and Glass exhibit. 

I have a soft spot for antique books.  My oldest is not written in English and dated 1855 – 166 years old!  I tried to translate it on the computer but I believe it may be Dutch?

I received this miniature Lutheran Hymnary, dated 1920, from my friend, Kristi Rothenberger.  She bought it when we were shopping at an antique store together. I secretly wished I had seen it first.  What a treat when she gave it to me for my birthday.  It was extra special with her inscription on the inside cover.  I can imagine 50 years from now someone reading the note, just as I am reading such notes in the books I have found.

My most special book comes from my grandmother, Vlasta (Kmoch) Hanak.  She attended the Boyles Business College in Omaha, Nebraska in 1919 and received her diploma in 1920.  This book is dated 1917 and has her name written in her familiar handwriting inside the front cover.  My daughter, Kate Vlasta Patten, will one day receive this special momento.

Read on to see my ideas of how I decorate with books…….

Traditionally placed –  vertically.

In between two interesting bookends, like this fish head and tail.  Still not sure what kind of fish it is.

In a long vertical row  with a break for a vintage camera… or two.

Horizontally stacked, pyramid style, with a bird on top.  As my sister says, “you can never have enough birds”.

Horizontal next to vertical with a treasure on top.  This iron elephant feeds coins from his trunk into his back when you pull his tail.  Great fun for kids… and adults.  It was a birthday gift given to me over 40 years ago from my sister’s dear mother-in-law, Pat Grossman.

Spine out or in.

Placed under a lamp.  One day I will read this one, “The World Atlas of Cheese”.  I do love cheese. 

Placed under a plant.

Placed under symmetrically spaced urns but with a twist.   One side higher than the other, all with books.

I like to place picture frames on books.  This arrangement is fun with the bellowing elk at the end.  I call it my “War / History” section.

These are just a sampling of how you can decorate with books, new and old.  What way do you decorate with books?   I would love to hear you ideas in the comment section below.

Meanwhile, Happy Book Hunting!

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3 years ago

I love this post, Cheryl! I have tons of books, so now I am inspired to do something decorative with them….not sure I can do it as nicely as you have, though! Thank you for sharing!

3 years ago

i love the part about your daughter, she seems like a really cool (and lucky) person

Barb Long
Barb Long
3 years ago

